Showing posts with label hr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hr. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The First Question

The First Question

Customer Experience Management is the mother of all enterprise level initiatives like lean, six sigma, tqm, process engineering, business strategy, human resource etc all are in a way is impacting customer experience. Now if we consider Customer Experience as sustainable competitive advantage then all our initiatives should commence by keeping CE perspective at the center.

After the company decides about the products and services it is planning to offer to the market and geography it decides to operate in THE FIRST QUESTION to be asked is what kind of customer experience company wants to create for its customers.

There are nine leakage points which dilutes scintillating customer experience. Therefore unless customer experience statement is defined lens of the management will miss these leaky points.   In the process to answer the first question company will define customer experience statement.

Having defined the statement every action and initiatives will be aimed to achieve & maintain this statement. Budget for any initiatives will be viewed in terms of its impact on customer experience.

Every initiatives mentioned above will be to fix leakage in customer experience happening through leakage points;

  • a) Leadership & Culture ( Culture & Governance Policies )
  • b) Customer Strategy ( CE Statement & whether every other function align to this strategy? )  
  • c) Customer Expectations ( tqm, lean, costing, innovation  )
  • d) People ( HR )
  • e) Process ( BPR, Lean, Six Sigma )
  • f)  Marketing & Branding ( Marketing , Social Media, Advertising , PR )
  • g) System ( IT, Technology, Mfg or Service Set up )
  • h) Measurement ( right measurement matrix )
  • i)  Distribution Channel ( distribution policy, training and hand holding )

When the above nine points are focused upon on a regular basis by keeping lens of customer experience on , company will then hardly needs any other area to focus upon ( ofcourse except taxation ).

Time has come for every organisation to ask the first question and realign to answer the first question. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Capitalist Trap we are all in !!

During last week I had two conversations about the PEOPLE in organisations.
One of the new recruits of public sector bank told me that before joining public sector bank he was with the largest private sector bank.  On my asking why did he left  ? he responded  - It was highly stressed organisation. From Peon to CEO all are living in high stress.
Work culture in Public sector is relaxed in  a way. They employ more people , less efficient and these are less ROCE enterprises.
Same day I had an occasion to meet someone very senior in public sector general insurance company. Officer told me – yes we want to make change and want to make organisation customer centric but you know we are public sector company and people mindset is a major issue.
Job is mostly secured, union support, high employment ratio, pay scale is relatively less but work culture is also relaxed,  mostly corruption on higher scale, listed but suffers low PE.
Private sector companies less job security, high pay scale, high work related stress, low employment ratio so higher work pressure , corruption , hmm, well little less,  listed entities so huge performance pressure.
Companies in both sectors are competing with each other.
Inefficiency, low ROCE vs highly efficient and high ROCE , low pressure vs high pressure, high employment vs lean employment.
Which one is better ?
Do we want more efficiency , better ROCE and therefore high stress and pain or we want more employment, less stress &  therefore  more happiness ?
pvt pub
What do we really need ? In the name of privatization and capitalism,  humanity is lost somewhere.
My vote is for the man who switched to public sector job leaving highly paid private sector job.  People in public sector can be trained for efficiency  , attitude and customer centricity  but we cant train and convince capitalist for lesser ROCE for better happiness at large.
For sustainability of humanity private sector MUST learn and take some clue from public sector.
What do you think? Are we in a big trap of a few capitalists ?