Showing posts with label Design Thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design Thinking. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

One MUST read book – Today

In the past several years, I have read several books. Some of them were good while some were very good. Some I would say everyone should read and a very few I would say everyone MUST read. One of the MUST read is Seth Godin’s – Linchpin. This book in no unclear term says how to become indispensable. His definition of an art is worth remembering:
Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that create change in another. 
I think art is the ability to change people with your work.  
It further states:
If it’s easy and risk-free, it’s unlikely that it’s art.
I am not talking today about Linchpin, but the MUST book for today is - Continue Reading 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Are you a victim of BAD design?

Most of us are not happy with our public utility services provided by Governments, but we are also not happy with the banking or insurance or hotel or airline or railway or telecom services. Many a times poor services are the reason for our frustration, but also of our changing of service providers.
Imagine an iPhone with poor functionality and some functionality even are even are not working. IPhone is a product, its manufacturers are known for superior customer experience and therefore what they design is for better customer experience, be it product design or service design at Apple stores. Continue Reading